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Tuning og modding farsíma Hryggjarliður. Customization með MJ.
Customization einungis fara fram á upprunalegu vörumerki sími Hryggjarliður. (sími viðskiptavina okkar).
Allur einkaréttur efni sem notuð fyrir customization með alþjóðleg skírteini og skjöl.

Aðlaga málsins og húsnæði Sími Skin hár gæði. Ósvikinn framandi leður:
alligator, crocodile, caiman,
python, cobra, skjár eðla, Stingray, sjó áll, ostrich, hákarl, froskur, Karta, fiskur, boa, anaconda, hippo ...
Bata, endurreisn, endurnýjun eða Restyling ekta leður og skinn allir litir og áferð eftir MJ.
* Allt sjaldgæft framandi leður með alþjóðlegum gögnum
CITES & US Wild Life Dýralíf og önnur vottorð.

Handlagni framleiðslu húsnæðis af símum, tilvikum, hnappar, fylgihluti og skreytingar atriði úr:
- Gull, platínu, palladíum, Sterling silfur og það er endanleg einstakt málmblöndur platínu gulli 777 & 888 karat o.fl.
- Fílabeini, Mammoth fílabeini, risaeðla bein, tönn af Búrhvalur, Jet, Coral, rafi, ammolita o.fl.
- Precious viður: óákveðinn greinir mahogany, Ebony, pinkwood, Járnviðr, Blackwood, Karelíski birki o.fl.
- Kolefni fiber, títan, Damaskus stál, mokume Gane, heitt enamel, skúffu skartgripi o.fl.

Customization nær og handtöskur handsmíðaðir leður lúxus flokki fyrir allar gerðir af símum.
Skriðdýr húð handgerð, Sable, mink, hestur, með aukahlutum af silfri, gulli eða demöntum.

Incrustation af símum með einstaka perlum með einstaka skera og hliðar.
Demöntum, sapphires, rúbínar, Emeralds, Tanzanite, imperials og aðrar einstakar gems.

Sérsniðin minnispeninga áletranir, sameiginlegur tákn, monograms, upphafsstafi og annað óskir viðskiptavina.
Handunnin & leysir leturgröftur, incrustation, inlay, mót og útsaumur og málverk airbrush list o.fl.

* Öll líkön eru gerðar að öllu leyti af bestu meistaranáms MJ, undir einstökum fyrirmælum VIP viðskiptavini.
Allar vörur eru einstök og Elite, eru allar nýjungar einkaleyfi Art Studio MJ

Tuning, modding and facelift original VERTU phone from Art Studio MJ

The new model of Vertu Signature Touch 5,2 " in the tuning of the Art Studio MJ
Exclusive smartphone genuine shark skin with a dragon of the latest alloy of gold 777k.
In individual orders inlaid any emblems, logos, signs of the zodiac, the initials of the precious metals.

New Vertu Signature Touch Made of Black Shark Leather with with Golden Dragon by MJ Customization

Last smartphone Vertu New Signature Touch in the author's edition of exotic leathers by MJ
Padding phones Vertu Signature Touch New 2015/2016 in the exotic skin of all kinds, textures and colors.
In the selection of individual orders of any kind of classic and exotic leather covers for phones and tuning - www.skin.mj777.com
Stingray, Frog, Alligator, Sand Shark, Lizard, Ostrich, Caiman, Crocodile, Python, Cobra, Iguana, Hippo, Elephant, etc.

Vertu Signature Touch New Exotic Leather - Customization by MJ

Customized phone and leather pouch case made of karung snake in the same style and color.
Exclusive kits made in a single design, and from one type of leather, metal fittings ...
In the presence of more than 5000 different colors and types of classic and exotic leather premium of MJ.

Elite Set - Cover and Vertu Aster Blue Karung Snake Skin Exotic Leather - Handcrafted Customization by MJ
See also the catalog of VIP sets of jewelry, electronics and accessories - www.kit.mj777.com

Original Vertu Aster in stingray skins of all types of candle and colors. Tuning of the Art Studio MJ.
In individual orders pearl stingray  polished stingray, sanded stingray, electric ray, tiger ray and many others.

Vertu Aster New Exotic Leather - Polished Stingray Skin - Customization by MJ

Exclusive leather cases for Vertu. Covers inlaid with coats of arms of Ukraine, Russia and any other state.
In individual orders of any symbols inlaid in white gold, yellow gold, red gold, rose gold ...

Exclusive Genuine Leather Case with Personalization of White, Yellow and Pink Gold

Exclusive hand-made covers for phones Vertu. VIP covers all the skin of exotic colors.
Luxury cases of genuine leather iguana, lizard, crocodile, alligator, caiman, ostrich, sea eel, sea snakes, anacondas etc.
Total available for the production of luxury accessories at the Art Studio MJ are more than 5,000 different types and colors of skin.
Detailed information about classic and exotic skins and furs premium catalog - www.skin.mj777.com

MJ Exclusive Case for Smartphones Made of Genuine Lizard Leather Mix Full Color Skin

Vertu Signature S-Design - Exotic Leather Elephant with Platinum Gold Emblem 777 - VIP Customization by MJ
Luxury phone with buttons and logo of platinum gold. Natural leather elephant.
Individual orders inlay emblems, initials, zodiac signs and symbols of any other precious metals.
* Customization is based only on the original branded phones Vertu - (phones of our clients).

Exclusive Customized Vertu Signature Touch of Genuine Fur Pony Leopard Coat Color by MJ
Individual orders any colors and types of leather and fur - www.skin.mj777.com

Vertu Signature Touch Snake Skin Limited Edition - Python, Cobra, Viper, Anaconda, Karung, Rattlesnakes, Sea Snake, Boa etc.
Tune phones Vertu Signature Touch models and other exotic leather, precious metals and gems.
The metal parts of the red, black and yellow gold or platinum with individual carats - 14, 18 or 24 carats.

Vertu Signature Touch Customized of Precious Metals, Gems and Leather Sapphire Stingray, Snow Crocodile, Midnight Blue Beavers Tail Skin
Individual tuning phones, luxury leather trim with inlay any decorative items made of precious metals and precious stones.
Customize Phone Vertu Signature Touch - the blue stingray skin with a bow made of platinum and blue sapphires.
Phone Vertu Signature Touch - snow-white skin of a crocodile with a seahorse made of white gold and blue diamonds.
Phone Vertu Signature Touch - the blue skin of the Canadian beaver tail with exclusive patterns and skull of palladium.
Any restyling and customization Vertu Signature Touch for individual orders from the Art Studio MJ.

Vertu Signature Touch - Red Royal Frog, Sky Blue Lizard, Black Alligator - Inlaid Diamonds and Platinum Gold 777k  - Customize by MJ
Individual orders for phones inlay any signs, patterns, logos and any other symbols of diamonds and platinum gold.
Luxury Vertu phones in Leather Red Royal Frog, Sky Blue Lizard skin and Black American Alligator Umscar Skin.

Exclusive Set Crocodile Leather with Initials and Buckle made of Gold - Personalized - VIP Belt, Wallet and Case for Vertu
Making exclusive design accessories for Vertu phones with personalization pure gold.
Belts, wallets, key chains, watch straps, cases for all models of Vertu phones. All from genuine crocodile skin.
Any product can be inlaid initials, monogram, emblem, coat of arms or any other sign of gold or platinum.
Bridal Sets -
www.set.mj777.com, VIP covers - www.case.mj777.com, elite purse - www.wallets.mj777.com

Golden Vertu Constellation Exotic Leather - Pearl Stingray Black Leather with Diamond Eye - Vertu Constellation V 2014 Android
Gold Vertu Constellation V Android in black leather stingray diamond manufacture - 2014 model.

Exclusive Cases - Monogram Design - Genuine Leather Black and Red Skin - Golden Ukraine Emblems
Exclusive covers of leather top-class with gold emblems of Ukraine for phones Vertu. Customize by MJ
Individual orders any color skin with state emblems of any country of gold, silver or platinum.
VIP cases for phones Vertu Constellation V 2014 and Vertu Signature Touch. Cases handmade to order.

Vertu Constellation V Exotic Leather - Lizard Teju, Sand Shark and Ostrich Leg with Black, Yellow and White Gold
Exclusive phones Vertu V Constellation in a dark blue iguana skin teju, black squaloid ramp, brigandine blue ostrich leather.
Individual orders inlay any emblems, state emblems, patterns, private initials, monograms...
And also the most rare and unique leathers for luxury accessories and tuning -

Vertu Constellation New Models V Platinum with Exotic Skins - Red Ostrich Leg, Sea Snake and Golden Lizard
Tuned phones Vertu Constellation 2014 issue in tuning edition of MJ in the skin of an ostrich, sea snakes and lizards gold.
Rivets, bolts, emblems and other decorative items can be decorated with real diamonds and other dredges. stones.
According to custom any color genuine leather with any kind of decor of precious metals and gems.

Elite Cases - Gold Zodiac Monogram Design & Premium Genuine Leather Handcrafted by MJ
Luxury leather cases for Vertu encrusted with zodiac signs of pink, yellow or white gold cast.
Individual orders inlay on cover any personal symbolism of precious metals and gems.


Restoration, modernization and repair, covers, cases, briefcases, handbags, briefcases and other accessories.
Padding of the skin. Substitution skin. Skin regeneration. Replacing stitching. Replacing strings. Replacing hardware. Replacement of the pad.
Replacement and buttons, magnets, buttons and snakes. Replacement pads and internal pockets.
Reducing or stretch leather products. take in or increase the size of any cover.
See also catalog covers exclusive handmade - www.case.mj777.com
Exclusive covers for all models of phones Vertu.

Customize Vertu Signature Touch Genuine Exotic Leather - Blue Viper, Gold Stingray, Purple Magenta Ostrich Leg
Customization for individual orders of any models of original phones Vertu. Customization by MJ

VIP Set for Vertu - Elite Case for Vertu and Wallet Made of Crocodile, Alligator, Caiman with Gold Inlaid by MJ 750
Individual orders elite kits for any phone Vertu from any species of exotic skins and colors.
In the art-studio MJ represented a huge collection of certified skin of crocodiles, caimans, alligators and other reptiles.

New Collection Exclusive Covers for Vertu Mobile Phones - Crocodile, Python, Alligator, Anaconda, Iguana etc.
Individual orders covers of all types of exotic leather and fur - www.skin.mj777.com

VIP Fur Cover for Vertu Phone Made of Genuine Fur and Pearls - Snow White Ermine - Handmade by MJ
Glamorous and stylish case made of white ermine, white nubuck, sea pearls...
Individual orders all kinds of fur and decorative items made of precious materials.
Available for all models of Vertu Signature Touch, S-Design, Ti, Constellation, Monogram, Ayxta, Quest, Ascent...
A combination of fur covers with a handbag, gloves, belts and other accessories in the same style.

Handcrafted Crocodile Leather Covers by MJ-VIP Cases for Vertu Signature Touch
Exclusive covers for Vertu phones crocodile, alligator, caiman and other reptiles.
Individual orders any model covers any color of skin and tanning from MJ.

Individual orders grade sets any number of different accessories.
Mobile phone case, bag, belt, wallet, passport cover, flash drive, key chain and other accessories.
All items are executed in the same style of the same kind of leather and accessories.
See also catalog copyright bags and briefcases handmade - www.bag.mj777.com
Catalog covers, carrying cases and cases for all phone models - www.case.mj777.com
Exclusive sets of jewelry, electronics and accessories - www.set.mj777.com
Catalog luxury purses and wallets made from exotic leathers - www.wallets.mj777.com
Catalog copyright belts and belts handmade - www.belts.mj777.com

Lux Case with Personal Customize State Emblems Arms PG 777
Luxury leather case with the State Emblem of Russian platinum gold 777-th sample.
On individual order state emblems and any other symbols of precious metals and stones.

Luxurious Cover Made of Exotic Leather for Vertu Quest and Other Lux Smartphones Yellow Gold by MJ
Luxury Case for Vertu phone leather and caiman alligator with gold rivets.
Individual orders rivets can be encrusted with diamonds or other precious stones.

VIP Covers for Vertu Phone. Crocodile Leather Mix with Ukraine Emblems made of Gold - Blue Edition
Case for Vertu phone from crocodile skin in different colors chosen by the customer with inlaid gold emblem of any country.

Glamorous Lux Case for Vertu Made of VIP Fur & Diamonds by MJ
Individual orders covers Vertu phones of all types of genuine fur:
Mink Black Nafa, Sable, Lynx, Pony, Arctic Fox, Polar Fox, Gold Fox, Smokey Fox, Blue Frost,
Lama, Rabbit, Broadtail, Shadow Fox, Gold Cross Fox, Wolf, Karakul Astrakhan, Beaver, Rex,
Raccoon, Coyote, Chinchilla, Bear, Zebra, Leopard, Panther, Porpoising, Silver Fox etc.

Glass Case Genuine Fish Leather with Watch Band - Cover for Vertu Phone / VIP Eye Glasses
Set of watch strap and cover with compartments for your Vertu phone and glasses of fish queens skin or other exotic leather
See also catalog of exclusive watches and watch straps - www.watch.mj777.com
Catalog of designer glasses and eyeglass case - www.glasses.mj777.com

MJ Elite Set of Python Leather - Case for Vertu, Bag, Briefcase, Wallet, Purse, Watchstrap, Key Ring, Flash Drive, Cards Holder...
See also catalog elite sets of computer equipment, jewelry and accessories - www.set.mj777.com
Rare set of genuine python skin for individual orders from the Art Studio MJ

Genuine Crocodile Lux Leather Case for Vertu Mobile Phone and Credit Card Holder
Case for the latest model Vertu crocodile, with compartments for credit cards.
Individual orders covers all models of all types of skin sections for plastic cards and business cards.
It is also possible to produce several products from one type of skin - cover, business card, credit card, purse, etc.

Exclusive Customize MJ - Vertu Signature Dragon Gold 777 - For VIP Custom any Inlay
The original model number Vertu Signature Dragon in yellow gold and diamond button joystick.
Individual orders gold inlaid animals from the Chinese calendar, and any other pictures.
Gold or Platinum Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Boar, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit...
Also available inlaid with diamonds, rubies, sapphires and other precious stones any.

Unique Case for Vertu Signature Gold S Design with Zodiac Sign Scorpion of Pure Gold
Individual orders any color calfskin, buffalo, bison, crocodile, lizard, elephant, shark...
Also, any signs of the zodiac, emblems, logos and other symbols of gold, platinum or silver.

Elite Case for Vertu Cell Phone with Personal Customization - Inlaid Gold Zodiac Any Sign Gold 750 or Platinum 950
In our studio for sewing slipcovers can choose any of the skin represented 5,000 different kinds and colors of skins - www.skin.mj777.com
Premium leather covers combined different types and different colors inlaid with gold and platinum emblems.
Individual orders inlay zodiac signs and symbols of any other precious metals and stones.

Cover for Vertu of Ostrich Leg Case and Watch Band Gold Edition by MJ
Watchband and case for phone Vertu Constellation new model smartphone with Android V 2014.
Set of armor-clad ostrich leather and accessories red gold. Individual orders inlaid gold monograms.
Catalog branded VIP hours and straps for all models of hours - www.watch.mj777.com
And cell phone cases from any exotic leathers - www.case.mj777.com

VIP Accessories for Vertu - Python Set Exclusive Gold Edition - Cover, Wallet and Belt.
Copyright accessories from python with gold accessories - a belt, purse and Case for Vertu.
All products are made from python. Individual orders all kinds of exotic leather.
Case for twists and purse decorated initials of 18-carat gold. Belt with gold buckle.

Luxury Accessories for Vertu - Genuine Ostrich Leg Black Leather - Wallet with Case - Gold Initials
Luxury accessories for phones Vertu. Cell phone case and wallet in the same style.
Case for any Vertu phone and purse of leather ostrich legs with the initials monogram of gold.
Individual orders inlay any initials, monograms, emblems and other symbols of gold.

VIP Phone Vertu Signature Touch Gold with Black Diamond Stingray - Customize by MJ
Tuned phone in case of gold 750-carat diamond and stingray skin.
The housing may be made of any type of skin exotic and precious metals.

Classic Cover for Vertu Made of Exotic Leather Ostrich leg - Black Glazed Skin Glossy
Individual orders all kinds of skin, any dressing - glossy, lacquer, suede, matte, perforated...

Lux Case & Customized Vertu Ascent Made of Pink Crocodile Leather & Gold 888 - Customization by MJ
Tuned Vertu and Case Crocodile leather for phones Vertu Ascent, Ascent Ti, Ascent 2010, Ascent Neon, Ascent X and others.
Tune phones and manufacture of covers and accessories from one of the skin in the same style for all phone models.
Individual orders all kinds of colors and exotic skins - www.skin.mj777.com

Elite Vertu Ti Custom Edition - Snake Skin Leather Natural Handmade Elite Tuning by MJ
Smartphone in case of platinum and gold exotic skin snakes - cobra, viper, python, anaconda, boa constrictor, sea snake...

VIP Customize Original New Vertu Ti Single Edition by Art-Studio MJ
Vertu Ti in case of titan, white or yellow gold. Frogs decorated leather, crocodile, fish, elephant, water lizard, sharks, stingrays etc.
Inlaid with any signs of the zodiac, emblems and other personal symbolism of precious metals and stones.

Original Vertu Constellation T Gold Exotic Leather - Customization by Art-Studio MJ
Solid Gold 777 Arms and Genuine Black Iguana Skin. For Customs Made Any Golden Emblems
The new model in Vertu redesign edition of Art Studio MJ in genuine exotic leather and gold.
Produced according to individual orders with inlaid emblem, logo or any sign of the precious metal.

Luxury Case with KeyChain MJ Edition - Karung Leather. Monogram Initials & Keyring Made from Gold (Yellow and White Gold)
Elite covers and handmade trinkets to luxury phones luxury class. Only exotic leather and gold. metals
To order any inlaid initials and signs of the zodiac in gold or platinum - www.case.mj777.com
A luxurious charms and pendants made of precious materials - www.keychains.mj777.com

Lux Phone Modding MJ Exclusive VIP Handmade. Inlaid Any Arms and Emblems
Vertu Constellation T Private MJ Edition - Stingray, Iguana, Crocodile
The first model is a touch phone / smartphone from Vertu Touch phone in exclusive modding by MJ
Leather stingray skin iguana crocodile. Inlaid with silver and palladium by VIP orders.

MJ Handmade Jewelry Tuning & Modding for Vertu Constellation T Private Edition - WiFi, GPS, 32gb, Bluetooth...
Genuine Leather Alligator and Calf. Incrustation Emblems, Arms, Logo, Initials made from Gold or Platinum.
Exclusive phones Vertu Constellation T inlaid with any emblems and logos of precious metals - Customization by MJ
Coat of arms of the Russian Federation of Platinum, Emblem of Ukraine White Gold and Other Emblems of gold. metals.
Only handmade jewelry work. Only natural and exotic leathers. Only individual orders.

Vertu Constellation T - Private Edition Luxury Single Copy - Customization by MJ
Exotic Leather: Iguana Pink, Karung Natural, Stingray Red
Vertu Constellation T tuned in exotic skin types - iguanas karung, stingray, crocodile, python, alligator, cobra ...
Tuning. Repair. Replacement Skin for exclusive exotic leather. Catalog Leather and Fur - www.skin.mj777.com

Exclusive Kit Exotic Leather - Sea Snake Skin - Belt & Cover for Vertu Phone - Handcrafted by MJ

Exclusive sets of exotic genuine leather sea snake and titanium fittings.
See also catalog designer belts -

Luxury Cover Romantic Style Made of Genuine Crocodile leather and Solid Gold 750 and Platinum 950
Luxury covers for new smartphones Vertu crocodile with chains of gold and platinum in the form of hearts.
Individual orders supplies and decorative elements can be any shapes, colors and sizes.

Smartphone with qwerty keyboard from Vertu. Tune of MJ. Body of crocodile skin and gold 777-th sample.

Unique Jeweler Smart Phones Vertu QUEST. Genuine Leather. Black Fish, Pink Sea Snake, & Brown Crocodile.
New Jewelry smartphones Vertu Quest in copyright tuning edition of MJ.
Vertu Quest in black leather fish, sea snake skin pink, brown crocodile skin.

Housing Vertu phones are made of white, yellow and rose gold, palladium and platinum.
Decorated with exotic leather, cobra, sea snake, python, anaconda, fish, elephant, shark, alligator etc.

MJ Elite Cover Made of 18k White Gold Rivet Exotic Leather - Classic and Dark Brown Chocolate Skin Crocodiles
Rare Case of two kinds of crocodile and alligator with decorative studs in white gold.
Individual orders Vertu cell phone cases combined from several different types of exotic leather.

Watch Band with Mobile Phone Case for Vertu - Kit Made of Lizard or Other Exotic Skin by MJ
Watchband and Case for Vertu phone leather black lizard marilis.
Individual orders covers and straps for all models of watches and phones.
Cases, Cases, Cases, straps, bracelets and other accessories of all colors and types of leather.
See also catalog of luxury watches and watch straps handmade - www.watch.mj777.com

Luxury Hand Made Case for Original Vertu Phone - Customization by MJ Private Edition
Genuine Snake Skin (Python, Cobra, Sea Snake, Karung, Anaconda etc) with Silver or Gold Emblems
VIP handmade case based on the original Vertu Oyster Shell. Tune from Atelier MJ

MJ Extreme Luxury Case Royal Kit for Mobile Phone Vertu with Unique USB Flash Drive - Customization by MJ
All Made From Exotic Leather Crocodile Skin Brown Chocolate & Solid White Gold 750 Luxury Things 18kt
Extreme luxury in a royal set of MJ. Case for phone with 64GB memory stick on the remote control.
The entire set-cast made of 18-karat gold and genuine leather and crocodile.
Luxury case based on original case Vertu Oyster Shell. Tuning of the Art Studio MJ.
See also catalog exclusive handmade flash drives -

MJ Luxury Documents Passport Cover and Mobile Phone Case for Vertu. All made from Crocodile Leather
Exclusive VIP cover for civil and foreign passport with a case for phone Vertu.
Wallets, purses, passport covers and driver's licenses, handbags, briefcases, purses etc.
Any models and VIP gifts handmade by individual orders from the Art Studio MJ.
Luxury case based on the original cover Vertu Oyster Shell. Customization by MJ.

Luxury Vertu Signature S-Design Platinum Brilliant Exotic Hippo Leather - Customization by MJ
Unique Handset white gold 777-th test, uniquely decorated with diamonds and leather hippo.
Only handmade. Only individual orders. Exclusive only. Telephones for the elite.

Vertu Signature S-Design Exotic Leather - Iguana with Ukraine Arms Platinum - Lux Customization by MJ
Luxury Vertu phone model Signature S-Design in the presidential edition of Art Studio MJ
Iguana leather, buttons and the State Emblem of Ukraine in white gold 777-th sample.
Unique Handset for politicians, MPs, successful businessmen and lovers of individual luxury.
Performed on individual orders in white and yellow gold c state symbols of any country.

MJ Luxury Customization - Vertu Signature S-Design Gold Exotic - Elephant Grey, Frog Natural, Elephant Black, Python Brown
Gold, platinum, titanium and steel Vertu phones with diamonds and exotic skin premium
Leather elephant, frog, hippo, python, viper, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, eels, caiman, kangaroo ...
And of course individual inlay family arms and other symbols of precious metals.

Lux Vertu Signature S-Design Genuine Leather - Ostrich Purple, Hippo Black, Ostrich Brown, Iguana Red
VIP tuning the most expensive phone in the world. Housing of cast precious metals and stones.
Premium leather trimmings - purple ostrich, gray hippo, ostrich brown, red lizard.
Available inlaid with gold, silver, platinum and diamonds any personalizing information:
Seals, zodiac signs, initials, trademarks, logos, etc. * Only for owners.


Case and Keychains Made of Gold and Golden Python Leather by MJ - Only Handmade & Precious Materials
Exclusive keychain case for phone and Vertu Signature S-Design in python skin and gold inlay.
Individual orders to cover any inlaid inscriptions wishes, initials, and other signs of gold.

Handmade Incrustation.
Lux Inlaid. Diamonds, Sapphires, Emeralds, Rubies & Other Gems.

VERTU CONSTELLATION AYXTA EXOTIC LEATHER LIMITED EDITION by MJ  - Unique Jeweler Mobile Phones Vertu. Genuine Leather. Python, Varan & Crocodile Cayman Skin
Exclusive edition clamshell phones Vertu, author's design from the Art Studio MJ
The newest models of Vertu in precious metals and exotic skin. Python, monitor lizard, crocodile, gold. diamonds etc.

Restyling Vertu Cases for Constellation, V, T, Ti, Signature, Touch, S-Design, Ayxta etc with Gold, Red, Yellow, White etc.
* Customization is based only on the original branded phones Vertu - (phones & accessories of our clients).
Restoring and redesigned the original covers Vertu. Replacement skin and logo on any gold jewelry color.
Individual orders covering the logo white, yellow, red or pink gold, silver or platinum.
Can these emblems inlaid with diamonds, rubies, sapphires and other precious gems.
Only handmade. Only Single Copy Edition. Only individual customization.

Exclusive Personalized Vertu Monogram - Kit Elite Smart Phone with Case - Individual Customization
Exclusive set of Vertu phone and cover in the same style with personalization Vertu Monogram.
Tune for individual orders and production number of covers of exotic species in a single skin color and style.
Inlaid with gold initials, monogram, family crest, state emblem and any other symbols on the phone and cover.
Gift sets of customization phone cover, cases, key rings, wallets, passport covers, bags, tablet, purses,
belt, shoes, watch straps, bracelets, portfolio, diplomat, clutch and any other accessories for men and women.
* Customization is based only on the original branded phones Vertu - (phones & accessories of our clients).

VERTU CONSTELLATION EXOTIC LEATHER LIMITED EDITION by MJ VIP Mobile Phone Black Gold. Genuine Leather - Python Skin. Inlaid Jeweler Gems.
Unique handset is covered with black and gold trimmed with leather python waterwiked.
Embedded bolts placer precious stones. Gift box made of mink fur.
Individual orders Tune any phones Vertu.

VERTU PLATINUM CONSTELLATION EXOTIC LEATHER LIMITED EDITION by MJ Platinum Mobile Phones. Genuine Leather. Stingray, Python & Iguana Skin
Platinum phone skin handmade. Stingray, python, iguana ...

VERTU GOLD CONSTELLATION EXOTIC LEATHER LIMITED EDITION by MJ Mobile Phones from Pure Gold 999. Genuine Leather. Crocodile, Blue Anaconda & Gray Cayman Skin.
Vertu phone of pure 24-karat gold in the skin handmade. Crocodile, anaconda, caiman ...
All phones in the catalog based on the original MJ phones Vertu. Telephones our customers.

Vertu Constellation - Repair Skin and Housing - Royal Service VIP Tech Change Leather by MJ De Lux
Photo image on the housing Vertu phone before and after the replacement of the skin, rivets and metal elements.
Replacement and restoration of leather, ceramics, carbon fiber, titanium, plastic, gold and platinum on the phone Vertu.
See also directory services restyling and repairing phones -

VERTU SIGNATURE COBRA, PYTHON & SNAKE LIMITED EDITION MJ CUSTOMIZING Case from Platinum Gold 777, White & Color Diamonds, Blue Sapphires, Rubies...
Vertu phone case from a unique alloy of platinum and gold 777 carats with inlay of a cobra and python gems.
White and colored diamonds, blue sapphires, rubies, tanzanite, alexandrite and other precious stones and materials.
Individual orders inlay to any phone Vertu, snakes, dragon, any animal or pattern.

MJ Exclusive Handmade Case for Vertu - Genuine Crocodilian Hornback Tail Leather - Black Hides
Only Extreme Luxury. Only Handmade. Only Private Order. Only Single Copy.
Rare cases handmade phones Vertu. Of incredibly durable leather crocodile with these spikes.
Crocodile skin with osteoderms (lat) impossible to fake. This natural promptness genuine leather and bone.
Individual orders any color and subspecies crocodile skin - alligator, caiman, porosus, fuskus, jakare, niloticus, oris etc.

VERTU ASCENT LUX LEATHER PRIVATE PHONE MODDING EDITION by MJ VIP Genuine Leather: Lizard, Iguana, Varanus, Crocodile, Cow, Bull, Buffalo, Pig, Fish, Chicken, Snake...
Padding of the skin and repair phones Vertu. Replacement of the original skin on classic and exotic.
Only the best handmade leather: reptiles, lizards, gators, snakes, ostrich, calf, buffalo, laika, lamb, sheep, buffalo, fish, stingrays ...
In the presence of any kind of matte, glossy, lacquered and suede. Any colors and shades of leather and classy fur:
White, milk, beige, vanilla, gray, red, pink, crimson, blue, blue, caramel, chocolate, green, light green,
yellow, citric acid, cherry, burgundy, purple, lilac, turquoise, brown, red, orange or any other color.
The range of more than 5,000 different types and colors of leather or fur in Art Studio MJ - www.skin.mj777.com

Repair Vertu Phone - Customized Perforated Genuine Leather - VIP Services by MJ - Repair Leather
Repair and restoration of the skin on any models Vertu - Ascent, Constellation, Ayxta, Signature, S-Design, Touch and others.
The range of art-studio MJ more than 5000 different kinds and colors of classic, exotic and perforated leather.
In the photo looks like an example of the old skin before restoration and after skin replacement and polishing of metal parts.
Repair or replacement of any parts phones. Housing, buttons, joysticks, displays, cables, card ...
See also personal service, repair and restyling -
Portfolio of luxury interior and classic leather and fur - www.skin.mj777.com

VERTU CONSTELLATION PLATINUM ROYAL KIT LADIES & GENTLEMEN EDITION by MJ Pink Gold, Pink Diamond, Pink Karung Snake Skin Gold Phone with Luxury Mobile Case
Molten gold of any color. Finishing exotic handmade leather.
Also included a unique case of the same skin as your phone.

MOBILE PHONE CASE COBRA SNAKE by MJ Genuine Leather, Limited Edition
Mobile phone case made of genuine leather Cobra with head for Vertu phones.
Individual orders unique covers of different kinds of leather snake with a head for all models of Vertu.
Cases of skin with the head of a cobra. python skin with the head of a rattlesnake skin head, leather head anacondas and other snakes.

MOBILE PHONE CASE BAG FUR SINGLE-COPY by MJ Genuine Fur: Mink, Silver Fox, Polar Fox, Lama, Wolf, Pony, Sable...
Bags, handbags, briefcases, cases for mobile phones of fur:
mink, fox, fox, llama, wolf, pony, sable, lynx and other luxurious leathers and furs
Accessories, buttons, buttons, magnets, chains of gold or silver.

VERTU CONSTELLATION EXOTIC LEATHER SEA EEL LIMITED EDITION by MJ Mobile Phone from Titan & Steel. Genuine Leather Eel Sea Blue, Inlaid Sapphire
Restoration or replacement of the original calf skin on skin conger eel and other exotics.
Polished steel, gold, platinum or ceramic body. Coating lacquer jewelry.
Individual orders restoration, repair, tuning and restyling any models Vertu.

VERTU CONSTELLATION GOLD EXOTIC LEATHER CROCODILE LIMITED EDITION by MJ  Crocodile Cayman White Skin, Gold Phone and Rivets, Blue Diamond.
Unique designer gold phone in the skin white young caiman. Tuning of MJ.
Blue diamond encrusted. Case of white silk embroidered with gold thread.
Example exclusive tuning of the old model Vertu Constellation a previous company Vertu.

VERTU CONSTELLATION DIAMOND LIMITED EDITION by MJ - Gold (Yellow, Red, Pink, White), Platinum, Palladium, Inlaid Diamonds
Inlaid with diamonds any phone model Vertu Constellation, Quest, Ayxta, Ti, Signature, Touch, etc.
Mobile phone made of gold, platinum or palladium. With diamonds and alligator skin.
And of course individual personalization by embossing and laser engraving.

Vertu Signature Boucheron Diamond and VIP Wood Box
Unique gold Vertu Boucheron 150 in an exclusive wooden box.
Packaging are available for individual orders of fine wood with gold accents.
Can manufacture all sizes of gift boxes with inlaid mother of pearl, bone, amber, diamonds ...
See also catalog luxury gift boxes -

Vertu Limited Edition Inlaid Diamonds and 777 Gold Platinum 18carat Plus

Individual orders inlaid with precious stones all phones Vertu. Any gems optional clients from unique rare gems to classic gems - diamonds, emeralds, rubies, blue sapphires, black diamonds, fancy diamonds (colored diamonds - blue, green, blue, yellow, red, pink, brown) paraiba, sphene (titanite), demantoid, padparadzha, cat's eye (tsimofan), alexandrite, tsavorite, precious opal, imperial, spinel, tanzanite, benitoite, bixbyte, grandidier, axinite, amblygonite, andesite, apophyllite, barite, beryllonite, brazillianit, viviani herderite, blue garnet, maggiore (purple garnet), blue calcite, danburite, dolomite, dunilit, dumortierite, yeremeev Irgiz yohachidoit, cassiterite, quartz with holanditom, kyanite gemstone, kornerulin, lapis lazuli, magnesite, manganotantalit, Moldova, monazite, montebrazit, orthoclase, pargasite, paynite, petalite, piroksmangit, pudretteit, purple, rodist, rhodonite gemstone, rhodochrosite, rutile, sapphirine, Serendib, siderite, sillimanite, scapolite, soldalit, staurolite, sphalerite, taafenit, trifilovite, trolleys, ulexite, forsterite, Hackmann, scheelite, evkalaz, enden, enstatite, eosphoros, jade, marble, turquoise, malachite, amethyst, beryl, tourmaline, crystal, moonstone, topaz, agate, quartz, aventurine, beryl, tiger's eye, aquamarine, head of the moor, charoite, onyx, garnet, jasper, aragonite, amber, pearl, pearl, coral, ammolite, jet...


MJ Luxury Cover for Vertu Constellation V / T - Glazed Crocodile Leather Black Skin Glossy - www.skin.mj777.com
For Private Order Inlaid Any Sign, Monogram, State Emblems, Initials from Yellow or White Gold
Luxury cases for phone Vertu Constellation V / T lacquer crocodile leather.
Individual orders is possible to apply logos, emblems, initials, or any other signs of gold or silver.

Vertu Constellation Exotic Crocodile Leather MJ Edition - Red Skin
Vertu design model with the name engraved. Luxury red leather crocodile.
Bolts of white gold 888th carat. Buttons are encrusted with diamonds and sapphires.
Tuning, repair and restyling Vertu phones for individual orders from the Art Studio MJ

Vertu Limited Edition Inlaid Unique Cut & Color Diamonds by Modding & Tuning MJ
Vertu phones are unique in the author's edition for individual orders from the Art Studio MJ.
Luxury diamond encrusted with a unique cut, perfect purity and rare flowers.
See also catalog unique diamonds from MJ -

Vertu Ascent Python Gold Platinum Exotic Leather - Pink and Blue Skin
Gold and platinum phone twirling pink and blue python skin.
Individual orders restyling any phones Vertu.

Vertu Constellation Pink Gold 888 Diamond Limited Edition
Luxury Vertu phone to a new unique pink gold 888k.
Telephone decorated very expensive natural pink diamonds.
Released in a single copy on request Arab sheik.

Vertu Unique Mobile Phone for Vertu Signature with White, Yellow and Pink Gold 777 - CUSTOMIZATION by MJ
Restyling supplies and accessories for the covers from the Art Studio MJ, is available for individual orders
Unique leather cover premium. With accessories in white, yellow, red, or pink gold.
And also of the most unique of metals and alloys - Damascus steel, Mokume gane, meteorite, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, osmium ...

Universal Handmade Cover for Vertu Mobile Phone - Case by MJ - Crocodile Original Color & Tanned Skins
Exclusive handmade covers for phones Vertu leather crocodile all types of candle:
Alligator, crocodile, caiman, gavial, saltweter porosus, yakare, latirostris, oris siamensis, morelet, and other subspecies.
Any kind of tanning crocodile - patent leather, matte leather, semi gloss leather, suede, nubuck and other finishes.
Skin color as the original. Dressing handmade. Not dyed leather. Best quality. Ideal to wear.
In our company, the whole range of colors and types of leather -

VIP Mobile Phone Cover Exotic Leather - Genuine Leather Shark Fish Skin Brown Color - Handcrafted Case by MJ
V.I.P. Case for phones luxury class. Leather shark, hippo, rhino, elephant, giraffe, deer, kangaroos ...
Inlay of platinum or gold jewelry ornaments, patterns, logos, monograms, emblems and any personal symbolism.

Luxury Handmade MJ Mobile Case for Original Vertu Constellation T, Constellation V, Vertu Ti, Signature Touch etc.
Orange Tan, Acid Pink, Classic Blue Color Alligator Hides. And Other Reptiles Caiman, Crocodile, Porosus, Oris, Gavial etc.
Luxury covers the latest Vertu phone models from natural exotic leathers of all colors - www.skin.mj777.com

Luxury Handmade MJ Cases for Original Vertu Constellation Precious Edition
Genuine Exotic Leather Hide Beige Gold, Natural White Snow, Black Glazed, etc. - www.case.mj777.com
Cases handmade alligator, crocodile, caiman and other reptiles.
Individual orders any color and subspecies skin alligator and crocodile.

Handmade Luxury Mobile Phone Case MJ Exotic CITES Leather - Iguana Black Skin
Iguana, lizard, python, crocodile, caiman, alligator, hippo, elephant, ostrich, stingray, sea eel, shark, cobra ...
Leather case handmade for all models of phones Vertu.
Individual tailoring and sewing. Only certified skins CITES.

Exclusive Alligator Skin for Handmade Luxury Mobile Phone Case Vertu MJ Exotic Leather
Exclusive Case alligator. Only handmade and the best materials.

Golden Emblems Inlay on Exclusive Cover for Vertu - Handmade by MJ Exotic Leather Alligator Black
Copyright covers handmade from exotic leathers. Only individual orders.
Possible production of precious metals and stones family crests, zodiac signs and other symbols.
Details of exclusive covers from Art Studio MJ site - www.case.mj777.com

Vertu Exclusive Cover for Mobile Phone Constellation F Ayxta. Restyling Logo made from Solid Palladium and Gold Cast
Cases for the latest Vertu phones in an exclusive edition of customize in gold and platinum.
Facelift emblems of platinum and gold 14, 18 or 24 carats. Possible as integrally cast precious metals and gilding.

* Customization is based only on the original branded phones Vertu - (phones & accessories of our clients).

Tuned phone Vertu Ayxta. The housing of steel and platinum. Exotic leather stingray. Case of saltwater pearls.

Bussiness VIP Mobile Case for Vertu by MJ Limited Edition - Gold 585, 750, 777, 888, 999 or Silver or Platinum

Gold Case - mail. Case lock radio phone. Off line Case for Vertu.
Individual orders conspiratorial business covers of gold, silver or platinum any carat.

Vertu Oyster Shell Repair & Restyling by MJ - Crocodile Leather, Steel or White Gold 750.
Restore original cases from Vertu. Polished frame and constriction of the skin. From classics to exotics.
Luxury case based on the original cover Vertu Oyster Shell. Tuning of the Art Studio MJ.
Exclusive case case of steel or gold 750-carat in crocodile skin hand finishing.

Extreme Luxury Case for Mobile Phone Vertu
Exotic Leather Crocodile Genuine Skin - Brown Caramel Leather - Gold Luxury Things
Based on original Vertu Case - Oyster Shell Case - Customization by MJ
Luxury case based on the original cover Vertu Oyster Shell. Tuning of the Art Studio MJ.

Exclusive Tuning Case Vertu - Python Skin MJ Private Edition - Platinum Logo Luxury Things
Padding of genuine python skin. Emblem of platinum or white gold.
Based on original Vertu Case - Oyster Shell Case - Customization by MJ

MJ Extreme Tuning - Luxury Case for Mobile Phone Vertu with USB Flash Drive 128gb Limited Edition
Exotic Genuine Alligator Leather with Pure Gold 999, 24kt Luxury Things - Customization by MJ
Authors set of restyling of the case for the phone and computer flash 128GB.
Set on the individual order of black alligator leather and pure gold, 24 carat gold ..
Luxury case based on the original cover Vertu Oyster Shell. Tuning of the Art Studio MJ.
See also exclusive catalog of flash drives - www.vip-flash.com and luxury trinkets - www.keychains.mj777.com

Elite Cover for Vertu Smart Phones of Crocodilians Leather Mix Color  with Black Gold Rivets
Elite Case handcrafted crocodile leather black and red for the latest smartphones Vertu.
On the cover inlaid decorative bolts of black gold. To each bolts and rivets applied individual engraving.
Covers for individual orders for all models of Vertu leather in various combinations of all colors.
A combination genuine skin colors repeating colors state flags, state and city emblems,
Germany, England, France, Italy, Spain, USA, UAE, SAR, Ukraine, Russia, Japan, China, India,
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Monaco, Mexico, New York, Las Vegas, Berlin, Paris, Kiev, Moscow,
Amsterdam, Baku, Dubai, Beijing, Tokyo, London and other countries and cities.

Luxury Vertu phone in the skin of fish Siamese (midnight turquoise). Brushed and polished steel.
Original Smart Phone Vertu Constellation Quest - Silver Housing Exotic Skin - Customize by MJ
MJ Luxury Tuning Exotic Leather - Fish Skin Midnight Turquoise

Vertu Constellation Quest Red Gold - Luxury Customization Phone by MJ
New Metal Blood Gold 888k. Exotic Leather - Frog Genuine Skin Royal Blue Color
Unique model Vertu Quest of red gold 888-carat royal frog skin and blue.
Individual orders exclusive tuning handmade any phones Vertu,

Original Vertu Constellation Quest Exotic - Customization by MJ
Exclusive Luxury Tuning - Sea Snake Skin Original Color
Exclusive luxury Tune original phones Vertu Constellation Quest.
White gold. Sea snake leather. Gift box made of wood.

Premium Case Crocodile Blue Leather with Personal Customize Zodiac Gold Pure 14k Scorpion
Luxury Case for Vertu Quest. Case of blue crocodile and the zodiac sign of yellow gold.
Covers for individual orders of all sizes for all models of Vertu phones of all types of skin.

Premium VIP Set - Exclusive Cases Made of Reptile Leather and Gold Inlaid EM by MJ
Gift Pouches premium reptile skin with individual personalization (Initials EM monogram) and decorative rivets.
Cases of skin caiman, crocodile, alligator with any initials inlaid in silver or gold.

Exclusive Covers for Original Vertu Smartphones with Customization Gems Inlay
Exclusive covers calfskin, buffalo, crocodile, alligator and other inlaid with gems.
Covers on individual orders encrusted any signs, designs and patterns of the gemstones.

Genuine Calf Black Karung Leather with Golden Horse 585 or 888
Tuning and restoration exclusive covers. Polished or brass emblems. Restoration or replacement of the skin.
Possible replacement simple or gilded metal by molten gold or platinum cast.
Customization & Repair Case by MJ

Vertu Constellation T - Handmade Customization by MJ - Zodiac Edition Silver Rhodium Edition
Crocodile Dark Chocolate Leather with Lion Zodiac. Inlaid Any Sign or Emblems from Silver or Gold
New models of the original Vertu phones series zodiac signs jewelry from the Art Studio MJ
White gold or 750 or 777-carat, diamond with a unique facet. Crocodile leather.
Model for individual orders are made of the most exclusive materials and in any colors.
Inlay Zodiac signs, signs of the Chinese calendar, and any other symbols of precious metals.

Vertu Constellation T (Touch) Platinum - Luxury Tuning & Modding by MJ
Telephone platinum and pearl genuine leather stingray. Customization  from MJ.
Genuine Exotic Leather Stingray Black Pearl. Other Exotic Leather - www.skin.mj777.com

Handmade Tuning - Vertu Constellation T Diamond Exotic Leather. Customization by MJ.
Iguana Green Leather with Golden Red Star. For Private Order Inlaid Any Sign or Emblems.
Golden Phone (white gold 750-carat) in diamonds and natural skin iguana.
Individual orders inlay any symbolism of precious metals.

VIP Customize Original Vertu Ti Exotic Leather Mix - Ostrich Leg, Beavers Tail, Python, Toad, Cobra, Hippo, Crocodile, Ray etc.
Exclusive Vertu phones in exotic skin types with the decor of precious metals and stones for individual orders.

VIP Kit - Case Croco & Gator Skin for Vertu Phone - Golden Initials Incrusted by MJ
Lux gift set of crocodile leather - purse and wallet with initials inlaid in gold.
Individual orders inlay any initials, monograms, emblems and any other symbols.
See also catalog exclusive purses, business card holders and wallets - www.wallets.mj777.com

Vertu Signature Touch Black with Black Stingray Leather - Luxurious Customize by MJ
Luxurious and stylish phone Vertu Signature Touch in black ray skin.
Individual orders all kinds of classic and exotic skins.

Exotic Skin Vertu Signature Touch Single Edition - Pink Salt Crocodile Tail, White Lizard, Acid Crimson Royal Frog with Individual Inlaid
Phones in pink gold and pink skin crocodile, yellow gold and white lizard skin, white gold and crimson frog skin.
And inlay butterflies and any other pictures of gold, pearl, bixbite, red diamonds and other rare materials.

Unique Restyling Vertu Signature Touch - Black Stingray, Pink Crocodile, Green Iguana with Religion Symbols of Gold, Platinum and Gems
Unique restyling Vertu phones with inlay or any other religious symbols in copyright edition by MJ
Gold and platinum phones Vertu Signature Touch with genuine leather black stingray, crocodile pink and green iguanas.
Jewelry inlaid yellow and white gold, platinum 777-carat, red rubies, green emeralds and diamonds.
See also catalog of exclusive products with religious symbols - www.religion.mj777.com

Exclusive Wireless Charging Mobile Phone Customize Exotic Leather for Vertu Signature Touch
Exclusive wireless charging for mobile phone Vertu Signature Touch exotic skin types.
Luxury charging cradle and secreted from the skin, alligator, crocodile, elephant, shark decor with platinum and diamonds

Diamond Crown Case for Vertu Mobile Phone and Credit Cards - Genuine Crocodile Leather Black
Elegant Case for Vertu crocodile leather inlaid with a crown of white gold and diamonds.
Case also has extra pockets and inserts for credit cards, documents or cash.

Case Gold Skin with Key Chains Gold Python - Platinum Gold Edition for Vertu Signature 2014
Case for Vertu Signature phone status and key fob python skin color golden champagne.
Inlay surnames cover, as well as supplies for remote control of a platinum gold. By order any color and appearance of the skin.

Genuine Fur Exotic Cover with Black Diamonds - Elite Cover for Original Vertu Phone
Case of chinchilla fur and black diamonds. Covers original phones Vertu.
On individual order any kinds and colors fur - ponies, mink, sable, fox, lynx,
llama, rabbit, chinchilla, leopard, zebra, bear, wolf, raccoon, beaver, astrakhan,
broadtail, Rex, coyote, leopard, panther, lion, jaguar, tiger, cheetah, fox and others.

Cover a flag of Ukraine, Russia, Germany, France, the US, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, etc.
Design covers for smart phones Vertu in the form of flags of all states and corporations of genuine leather with inlaid emblems
Customized any color exotic leather in combination with silver, gold and jewelry varnishes.

Bespoke Luxury Design Cases for Vertu Mobile Phone made of Natural leather with State Emblem of Precious Metals by MJ

New Vertu phone tune Signature Touch snake decorated with white and black gold from MJ.
In individual orders inlaid any logos, emblems, religious and astrological symbols of any kind of a drag. metals.
See also the catalog of exclusive personalization using gold, platinum, diamonds etc. www.personalization.mj777.com
Vertu New Signature Touch 5,2" - Black Jet Lizard Leather with White & Black Gold Snake by MJ

Exclusive tuning Vertu phones and manufacture of covers in the same style.
In individual orders phone case and any other accessories are made of selected type and color of the skin with personalization.
On the cover and on the phone encrusted with gold, platinum or silver, any symbolism - from the coats of arms and emblems to the initials and monograms.

Exclusive Vertu Monogram Kit - Phone & Case with Platinum Ukrainian Emblem - Customize Personalization by MJ

Exclusive cases of genuine exotic leather with decorative elements in white, yellow and rose gold.
In individual orders any color and any skin color jewelry of precious metals and stones.
Covers all sizes for all phones Vertu, as well as with internal compartments for credit cards and money.

Exclusive Case Karung Leather with White Gold, Yellow Gold and Pink Gold Inlay - Bespoke by MJ for Vertu Phone

Covers for Vertu leather iguana, lizard and other species of lizards of any color inlaid with yellow, pink and white gold.
Any signs of the zodiac, family crests, monograms, emblems, logos and other symbols of precious metals.
In the presence of more than 5,000 different kinds of leather and fur leather for all accessories - www.skin.mj777.com
See also catalog VIP covers - www.covers.mj777.com, products with zodiac symbols - www.zodiac.mj777.com
Luxury Bespoke Covers for Vertu Signature Touch, Apple iPhone 6s & Other Phone & Glasses - Genuine Lizard Leather by MJ

Customization, personalization and tuning Vertu Signature Touch New 2015 / 2016. Only the manual work on the original Vertu.
Replacing skin on all kinds of colors and exotic inlaid with coats of arms, a sign of the zodiac and other symbols of the drag. metals.
Vertu New Signature Touch the skin iguana, lizard, ostrich, toads, frogs, stingray, crocodile, alligator, caiman, fish,
python, anaconda, cobra, rattlesnake, runner, beaver tail, rheas, emus, calf, lamb, bison, buffalo and others.

New Vertu Signature Touch Personalized - New Collection of Luxury Customization by MJ

Gift Pouches premium for Vertu reptile skin with individual personalization and decorative rivets.
Holsters leather caiman, crocodile, alligator inlaid with any initials and monograms in gold, platinum or silver.

Premium VIP Set - Exclusive Cases Made of Reptile Leather with Yellow & White Gold Inlaid Monogram by MJ

Vertu Signature S-Design Gold Diamond Exotic Leather - Stingray Black Pearl - Luxury Customization by MJ
One of the most expensive models in this class. Elite latest phone from an alloy of gold and pearl stingray skin.
Decorated with pearl stingray skin primeris and diamonds of the highest quality with unique facet.
Individual orders encrusted personalizing any sign / logo / emblem / monogram / coat ...

MJ VIP Customization - Vertu Signature S-Design Exotic Leather - Iguana Dark Chocolate, Python Green, Stingray Black, Shark Dark Grey
Luxury phones in the exclusive copyright edition of MJ. Exotic leather and personalized decor and state. symbolism.
Iguana leather with gold emblem of Ukraine, green python metallic, black stingray, dark gray shark with a red star of the USSR.
Only handmade. Only individual orders. Exclusive only. Only for VIP clients.

Jewelry tuning and modding of the most luxurious phones in the world - Vertu Signature V, Vertu Signature S-Design, Vertu Metavertu, Vertu iVertu, Vertu Ironflip, Vertu Constellation, Vertu Ascent and any other Vertu Custom Edition. Finishing with genuine exotic leather: black ostrich, blue monitor lizard, red frog, black hippopotamus, alligator, crocodile, caiman, anaconda, sea eel, karung, fish, bird, toad, reptile, deer, calf, bison, kangaroo, emu, etc. More than 5000 types and colors of genuine leather available - www.skin.mj777.com. As well as any types of precious metals and gems. Individual restyling of any Vertu phone models by private orders from Art Studio MJ. Vertu Luxury Customization by MJ. * Luxury customization is based only on the original branded phones Vertu - (phones of our clients).



See also other exclusive catalogs by MJ:

Official site of art-studio MJ - www.mj.com.ua, and 777 (tm) - www.mj777.com

The catalogue unique v.i.p. USB Flash Drives MJ premium class - www.vip-flash.com

The most dear products let out in the single copy - www.single-copy.com

  Super laptop, personal computers and accessories luxury edition -
Exclusive luxury case and cover for any models mobile phones & gadgets -
 Unique handmade boxes, casket and luxury packing - www.box.mj777.com 
 Exclusive jewelry made of precious metals and gems - www.jewelry.mj777.com 
 The catalog of genuine exclusive exotic skins and hides - www.skin.mj777.com 

  luxurious mouse and accessories made of gold, wood and leather
- www.mouse.mj777.com

  Jeweler's work with gold, diamonds, wood and leather - www.service.mj777.com



+380949474650  (Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram)
+380505223330,   +380487879595

All trademarks and any other recorded data belong to their rightful owners
All information is registered and protected by copyright law. Patents. License. Evidence. Trademarks. Image. Invention.
State Department of Intellectual Property. Certificate # 34 637, # 114 619, # 119 643. Patents, # 38 297, # 38 298.
* Vertu, Metavertu, iVertu, Signature, etc... are trademarks of VERTU, registered in the U.S. & other countries.